@SGcatalyst alternatively, the lesson could be that the more power that the government has over the internet, the worse, right? in reply to SGcatalyst#
Soren Dayton is an advocacy professional in Washington, DC who has worked in policy, politics, and in human rights, including in India. Soren grew up in Chicago.
Actually important news you didn't read about. http://t.co/255HW2iI # Thanks! RT @HowardMortman Congrats @sorendayton & @lmedsker for today's WashPost A13 mention for Prism appointments http://t.co/y6e8i73T in reply to HowardMortman # Powered by Twitter Tools
blamed bush twice already. really? grow up. get some policies. get a plan. # i am sorry. obama talked for a long, long time and never said a thing. # All of Obama's policies are Read more…
RT @davelevinthal Prism Public Affairs adds three, including @sorendayton & @lmedsker as senior VPs http://t.co/iHaSYZqa in reply to davelevinthal # Thanks! RT @PolitixDavid A great new gig for @sorendayton. http://t.co/buvk3t9P in reply to PolitixDavid # Read more…