- @brianbeutler @marcambinder @atrios Collins also doesn't want to the fall guy if Reid can't get the votes. Reid is looking for excuses in reply to brianbeutler #
- @kombiz @brianbeutler @marcambinder @atrios there's more to defense policy than DADT. in reply to kombiz #
- @kombiz @brianbeutler @marcambinder @atrios if he had the votes, he would let Collins have her debate. He doesn't. Scapegoating in reply to kombiz #
- @kombiz @brianbeutler @marcambinder @atrios Collins voted Yes. Reid doesn't have the votes. Maybe we can have some debate now? in reply to kombiz #
- RT @philipaklein RT @davidhauptmann: So did Reid not only hold the vote early, but without everyone from his caucus there? in reply to philipaklein #
- @davidhauptmann @AdrienneRoyer she voted no. in reply to davidhauptmann #
- Feeling good about not finishing that PhD right about now … Anthropology Group Drops ‘Science’ References http://nyti.ms/fwYsXp #
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