- Unions boycott LAT for trying to make them accountable. Cheap thugs http://bit.ly/bkezzW http://myloc.me/aG8pt #
- RT @AmberMarchand: RT @DougHeye CNN: Critics say Obama's message becoming 'incoherent' – http://bit.ly/bTHZ6a #
- @sethdmichaels I thought you guys believed in the media exemption. Except for citizens united. in reply to sethdmichaels #
- @sethdmichaels how is that different from msnbc? Olbermann, maddow, and schulz are just as silly as anyone on fox http://myloc.me/aHSBl in reply to sethdmichaels #
- dem supported "tea party" candidate drops out of PA-gov race after tea party challenges petition http://bit.ly/cWPj2a #
- Successful industrial policy? MT @ppppolls The Midwest, more than S, will be most brutal region for Dems this yr: http://tinyurl.com/2drgh69 #
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