- Presidential stuff:
- Bob Novak puts McCain ahead in the electoral college. Would this even be a race if we nominated anyone else?
- McCain beats Obama in Michigan. Are these bitter, churchgoing, gun owning working class whites? MyDD notes that putting Hillary on the ticket would swing the state back to the Dems
- McCain winning the foreign policy fight.
- White women don’t like Barack.
- Barack has another pastor problem.
- Sarah Palin getting looked at by McCain.
- Senate races:
- Wicker down by 1 in the MS Senate race. We need more info on this.
- Rothenberg calls LA Senate a tossup. We need more info on this.
- Tom Davis unloads on VA GOP.
- Richard Cizik on evangelicals and global warming.
- Obama’s first 100 days: an attack on 14% of the US economy.
- A Democrat lies in VA-11.