• RT @GennX Uploading new exclusive videos from #NJ2009. Stay tuned to Electionjournal.org #votefraud #tcot #
  • @sethdmichaels I think that today's election, friday's unemployment number, and the doctor deal melting down could make it hard to pass it #
  • RT @GennX #NJ2009 VIDEO, concerns over absentee ballots realized in Atlantic County http://bit.ly/2SVTUA #electionjournal #
  • @mbrownerhamlin I got a death threat when I objected to a steel worker doing that in Philly in 04. I'm not here to defend Glenn Beck. in reply to mbrownerhamlin #
  • TPM probably won't carry this one. (note cop car) RT @redstate Hoffman Poll Watcher Has Tires Slashed http://bit.ly/7cf7I #TCOT #RS #
  • if true, done. RT @mikememoli Bergen County update: Christie has a 1,000 vote margin with 79% reporting #
  • @PJTibbs best examples are dem muni primaries because people testify. 32 convictions in 2003 East chicago, IN mayoral primary #
  • @PJTibbs guilty plea 3 weeks ago in atlantic city, nj. dem campaign staffer. election overturned #
  • @PJTibbs the Roselle, NJ council president just got probation for tampering and the election result was overturned #

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Soren Dayton

Soren Dayton is an advocacy professional in Washington, DC who has worked in policy, politics, and in human rights, including in India. Soren grew up in Chicago.