- Dem tricks in NJ? Are Democrats Boosting Daggett in New Jersey? — Political Wire http://bit.ly/18zYjp #
- 101.5 in North Jersey had a caller say he was out a supermarket handing out Dagget lit and being paid by Corzine campaign. #
- @mbrownerhamlin I don't know what glenn beck said, but it is perfectly clear that there R real security problems w/absentee ballot programs in reply to mbrownerhamlin #
- 101.5 in North Jersey had a caller say he was out a supermarket handing out Daggett lit and being paid by Corzine campaign. #tcot #fraud #nj #
- @mbrownerhamlin non responsive. 32 conviction in chicago for card-check tactics in absentee. http://bit.ly/254RlC in reply to mbrownerhamlin #
- @mbrownerhamlin Democratic campaign worked pled guilty several weeks ago to tampering with ballots http://bit.ly/4noGF3 in reply to mbrownerhamlin #
- RT jimgeraghty CAUGHT: The Democratic State Committee now admits paying 4 robocall that promotes Chris Daggett. http://tinyurl.com/yjguz97 #
- @mbrownerhamlin so be responsive to the convictions. dont claim Ít doesnt happen …. #
- at #spn09 fred barnes tells romney joke about genies. reminds me of family poltergeists #
- fred barnes mentions mitch daniels. there is a hunger #spn09 #
- @mbrownerhamlin so madoff convicted, no reason for finance regulation? at least there we know where the regulators failed #
- @mbrownerhamlin I don['t suppose you clicked on either of those links. 2 court overturned elections in dem primaries. in reply to mbrownerhamlin #
- @JonHenke I think that they are both problems. But @mbrownerhamlin pretends that one doesn't happen and calls people racists for raising it in reply to JonHenke #
- RT @electionjournal report that 7 voters in Camden were informed they already voted by mail – they disagree. #
- This is the one day that I can say I'd honestly rather be in Jersey… #
- RT @whywilliams E28 in Newark. Provisional ballots being torn up….mass confusion inside poll. EJ at the scene #tcot #
- RT @electionjournal **VIDEO** Terrified Voter says NJ Dems Using Gangbangers for GOTV http://tinyurl.com/ygbux2o #EJ #NJGOV #tcot #
- KRCG covers Carnahan/ACORN links http://bit.ly/3ddSpc #mo #acorn #tcot #
- Boxer "poisoned the waters" by being a thug … http://bit.ly/1tQBwN #
- @mattklewis I disagree. #ny23 is a battle between rank and file republicans and their leaders. Slightly different. less ideological. in reply to mattklewis #
- @taylormarsh It is ironic watching the netroots parrot DNC talking points about a movement challenging a party. #soldout in reply to taylormarsh #
- Dems own civil war… RT @janehamsher NY-23rd: The Failure Of Blue Dogging: NY-23rd special congre.. http://bit.ly/XDZ0P #
- @mattklewis I said that. I am not saying that there isn't an ideological component. And, as I wrote, the movement worked. in reply to mattklewis #
- @mattklewis but this bottles a lot of phenomena. I don't think that an ideological battle is enough to make it this big of a fight. #
- @mattklewis that's it. There is a coalition here that is movement. And there is a broader angry populist coalition. Both happening in reply to mattklewis #
- RT @24thstate We're going to need a lot of volunteers next year at the polls. Mark your calendars and get involved #
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