Mitt Romney is getting beaten up again in the Evangelical media. Again, it is Pat Robertson’s CBN:

There are at least four Republican Representatives from the Michigan State House that are seriously rethinking their support of Romney for President. These are members of Romney’s steering committee in Michigan who are now having reservations about recent revelations about Romney’s past comments in regards to marriage, abortion and the Boy Scouts.

Ouch. This is not the first time that Romney has lost supporters. He recently lost his California fundraising consultant, who had worked with him at the Republican Governors’ Association. The story goes on. They see a flip-flop-flip-flop-flip on abortion:

The representatives who may leave Romney are really questioning the legitimacy of his conservative credentials. Romney has always said he has evolved on these issues over the years, but these folks in Michigan think it’s okay to evolve, but some of this seems to be major flip flop material, especially on the life issue where they point out how he’s gone from pro-choice in 1994, to pro-life in 2000, to pro-choice in 2002 and now back to pro-life. Romney’s office will dispute this, but what they can’t dispute is a potential unraveling among their steering committee in Michigan. Michigan is crucial to Romney.

Will the NRO fan club begin to shake?


The Right’s Field » Blog Archive » Romney Losing Conservative Support in Michigan · December 29, 2006 at 4:13 PM

[…] Soren Dayton picked up on a Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) news report that the Massachusetts governor is losing support in Michigan from Republican members of the State House. There are at least four Republican Representatives from the Michigan State House that are seriously rethinking their support of Romney for President. These are members of Romney’s steering committee in Michigan who are now having reservations about recent revelations about Romney’s past comments in regards to marriage, abortion and the Boy Scouts. [emphasis from Soren Dayton] […]

Some Michigander’s are re-thinking their support for Romney « Swing State · December 29, 2006 at 5:37 PM

[…] Some Michigander’s are re-thinking their support for Romney I found this post over at Eye on 08′. […] » Blog Archive » A Tale of Two Polls · December 29, 2006 at 10:27 PM

[…] The question is, which of these polls are right and how could they get such different results? If we assume that the ARG poll is more realistic, that means that Hillary is in a much more comfortable position than I expected and so is McCain. The big losers of the ARG poll have to be Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. Romney doesn’t even break 10% in any of the 4 states and he is tied with Chuck Hagel (!) in Iowa, is somehow at 5% in South Carolina despite spending the a lot of time in the state this past year, and only hits 9% in NH where he has higher name ID than any other primary state besides Michigan (but even his support among conservatives there is slipping fast). Ouch. As for the Research 2000 polls, they seem to be an outlier and before last week I had never heard of them and I’m an avid 2008 poll watcher… by LJ @ 11:27 pm. Filed under Uncategorized   [Trackback URL]  [link] […]

A Tale of Two Polls at Conservative Times--Republican GOP news source. · December 29, 2006 at 10:33 PM

[…] The question is, which of these polls are right and how could they get such different results? If we assume that the ARG poll is more realistic, that means that Hillary is in a much more comfortable position than I expected and so is McCain. The big losers of the ARG poll have to be Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. Romney doesn’t even break 10% in any of the 4 states and he is tied with Chuck Hagel (!) in Iowa, is somehow at 5% in South Carolina despite spending the a lot of time in the state this past year, and only hits 9% in NH where he has higher name ID than any other primary state besides Michigan (but even his support among conservatives there is slipping fast). Ouch. As for the Research 2000 polls, they seem to be an outlier and before last week I had never heard of them and I’m an avid 2008 poll watcher… […]

Ankle Biting Pundits » Blog Archive » Huh? · December 31, 2006 at 1:47 PM

[…] Hugh asks: “Where are the specifics? Which ‘blogger’ circulated the CBN report? Was it by chance Patrick Hynes, which would be a story in itself?” Er, couldn’t Hugh have asked me? I mean, to put this all in context, Hugh was criticizing Mr. Helman’s reporting on the New Media; for not squaring the circle, not chasing down leads. Meanwhile he asks an open, accusatory question such as that? The answer is no, by the way: I haven’t “circulated” the story about Romney losing support because of his flip-flopping on social issues. Shoot, I don’t even live in Washington. I live in New Hampshire. […]

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