Twitter Updates for 2009-12-19

Senate Democrats appear united in support of insurance industry bailout. Banks. Car companies. Insurance industries. New third-way? # @ErickaAndersen I think bringing a drunk womanizer who killed someone to defend *this* health care bill is quite fitting in reply to ErickaAndersen # Powered by Twitter Tools

Twitter Updates for 2009-12-17

the 2nd result Google result of"recalling senators" is a CRS report on Lieberman's Senate site on why you can't do it # RT @NMSosphere: NMS = Pioneer & Undisputed Bad Ass of Social Media…10 Years of Domination (via @FamousDC) #NMS10party # Powered by Twitter Tools

Twitter Updates for 2009-12-12

Is Reid blowing a week on a Hail Mary that no one supports? That's super-dangerous. health care bust up? # getting glasses. a bunch of guys speaking african languages walk in. their guide calls them "general". love dc # the generals getting glasses were from sudan … # Powered Read more…