When you know that they know

(crossposted from Redstate Redhot) Two facts captured for me how Mitt Romney’s campaign perceived his debate performance. First, only two surrogates were in the spin room: Tom Tancredo and Bay Buchanan. None of the national surrogates in town. No Senator Judd Gregg, Romney New Hampshire campaign chairman. Where was Judd? Read more…

McCain wins

The test of a debate is what is fixated in people’s heads. Those moments will be, almost certainly, the attacks on Mitt Romney. John McCain just needed to tread water. Not only did he do that, but he looked dignified except for, perhaps, going a little too far on poking Read more…

A Romney NH townhall

(Crossposted from Redstate) Last night I attended a Mitt Romney townhall in Manchester, New Hampshire. The Politico’s Jonathan Martin has a report from the event. Several things struck me getting to the event. First, it was packed. Probably 250 or so people. Given the time and place, downtown Manchester on Read more…

That’s an awful lot of money

(Crosspost from Redstate) Byron York learned today: I talked to a station official who told me that Mitt Romney was WHO’s second biggest advertiser in 2007. Second biggest – behind the number-one advertiser, Monsanto farm chemicals, and ahead of the number-three advertiser, Bayer farm chemicals. WHO is by far the Read more…

A view on Iowa from New Hampshire

Cross-post from Redstate. I am posting there primarily, but I will try to cross-post here more. Mike Huckabee’s stunning victory in Iowa will have a number of consequences in New Hampshire, where I am now. Last night John McCain flew from Iowa to New Hampshire for his caucus-watching party. At Read more…