FRC Wrap-up

After everything is done, here are my thoughts: Fred Thompson did not have a good weekend. His speech was ok, but in contrast to Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee, it wasn’t so impressive. Lots of people were disappointed in hindsight. Mike Huckabee was a success in the room. He clearly Read more…

FRC Straw Poll results

Total (fundraising) Offline (real) Candidate Votes Candidate Votes  Romney  1595  Huckabee 488  Huckabee  1565  Romney 99  Paul  865  Thompson 77  Thompson  564  Tancredo 65 They made on and offline versions First, values: Abortion Marriage Tax cuts Family tax issues Sounds like Republicans. FRC had indicated that they would provide online Read more…

Huckabee at FRC

Mike Huckabee has a great crowd here. Certainly a much stronger reception at the beginning than either Romney or Giuliani. Way bigger. Starts with jokes about the baby boomers collecting social security. "If you that’s bad economic news, just wait until you hear about all the old graying hippies getting Read more…

Rudy at FRC

The entrance had more standing, but less cheers than Mitt Romney. But Romney had a lot of astroturf, as Phil Klein pointed out, so it is hard to tell. Rudy starts with an attack on Washington. Unlike Romney’s speech, there was more of a narrative structure. He wanted the people Read more…

Notes on Romney speech

It took me a lot of time to process Mitt Romney’s speech tonight. I had seen John McCain’s and Sam Brownback’s on TV. Romney’s was in sharp contrast to the others. He offered lots of details and great quotes like: "Time to make out of wedlock births out of fashion." Read more…

Brownback drops out

I have a lot of admiration for Senator Sam Brownback. I am deeply sympathetic to a lot of positions that he has taken. But he is dropping out. When the tank runs out of gas, the car stops moving. That’s what happened with the Senator and money. They did a Read more…