Clinton rolls out housing policy

I have talked a bunch about the housing crunch and its impact on politics. Inevitably the question turns to something like, what can Republicans say or do now to get us out from underneath this issue. Frankly we struggle to find good answers. Well, Hillary Clinton is announcing her answers. Read more…

Romney flip-flops on abortion … again

I just don’t believe this guy: Before: Federalism After: No Federalism No shame. Or integrity. Sam Brownback beats Mitt Romney up on abortion, so Romney flip-flops again. ABC has the full story. But here’s what Romney told Marc Ambinder back in February: NJ: You would favor a constitutional amendment banning Read more…

Romney says he’s a perfect 10

Romney called himself a perfect 10, according to Brendan Farrington: Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney placed himself alongside President Reagan as the perfect conservative during a campaign event Monday. While answering questions at a luncheon, Romney was asked where he would rate himself as a conservative on a scale of Read more…

Zack Space giving away his district?

The Cleveland Plain Dealer blog is reporting that Zack Space flipped his vote on the motion to recommit on the Agriculture bill last Thursday: Either facing pressure from their party leaders or getting last-minute facts — accounts vary — several members of Congress from both parties, including Dover Democrat Zack Read more…