Thoughts on Fred Thompson

I have been and continue to be a Fred Thompson skeptic. Not so much about him, per se, but about his candidacy. On Friday, the day after the Presidential Debate, Thompson spoke to the Orange County Lincoln Club. Here’s the video: Several things struck me, as they relate to Thompson, Read more…

Debate Mitt-flop Watch: Stem Cell

Mitt Romney tried to dodge a question on embryonic stem-cell research, but Chris Matthews asked the tough questions. Again, Mitt flopped. Last night he said: MODERATOR: And you won’t take any from these fertility clinics to use either? ROMNEY: I’m happy to allow that to — or I shouldn’t say Read more…

Debate Mitt-flop watch: Church and State

I was going to write on this but Deal Hudson beat me to it, and more articulately. Romney’s record: As governor of Massachusetts, Romney ordered Catholic hospitals to administer emergency contraception to women who claim they had been raped. Romney’s words last night: I don’t say anything to Roman Catholic Read more…

Final thoughts

Amongst the top three, I agree with Jim Geraghty, Erick from Redstate, Quin Hillyer, and Paul Mirengoff. McCain won today. Of the big three, he moved forward. I am not sure about Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani. Romney struggled with flip-flopping. I think that he could be brutalized in the Read more…

Live-blogging the debate

So, Romney mispronounces al-Maliki…. Brownback sounded quite good. He is articulate. Too bad he doesn’t stand a chance. McCain seems nervous. The Iran-Iraq fumble was a little awkward. Tancredo. Mr. "Bomb Mecca" And Giuliani drops the Reagan name… Romney flip-flops on Osama bin Laden. "of course" except not the other Read more…

Is the Romney campaign competent?

The whole Battlefield Earth issue tells us one of two things about Mitt Romney. Either it is terribly run because Mitt Romney hasn’t even thought about basic questions, which is Matt Lewis’s implication. Or Romney is just pandering. Which is it?

The choices for the GOP

Pew Research’s Andrew Kohut wrote an important essay yesterday. Some might argue that the horse race polls may reflect the old axiom that voters put more emphasis on the person than the party. While this is certainly true, the crucial personal dimension in a period of national discontent, is whether Read more…

Doh! What a Mitt-iot!

MItt Romney tried to cover for his book gaffe today by sticking his foot farther into his mouth. According to the San Jose Mercury: Asked about his comments during a Fox News interview Monday that L. Ron Hubbard’s Battlefield Earth is his favorite novel, Romney said Huckleberry Finn is his Read more…