A brief thought on Rudy and federalism

Isn’t it ironic that Rudy Giuliani is using "states rights" language to sell "northeast liberalism" to the South? Forty years ago, of course, Republicans talked "states rights" in the South to communicate that they were not northeast liberals. In a sense, he is recapitulating in reverse how Republicans won the Read more…

GOP Candidates and Federalism

Yesterday and today (in response to Andrew Sullivan), Hotline’s Marc Ambinder pointed out that Rudy Giuliani is, perhaps, making a dodge on a variety of issues by invoking federalism. In essence, Marc’s position is: By not saying something like I think the flag is divisive, and I don’t like it. Read more…

GOP Winning in 2008

Kavon over at Race 4 2008 got me back to this little project I have of comparing general election matchups for various GOP candidates.

Rasmussen has started to collect general election matchups. I have collected them and presented them in, what I think, is the clearest and most useful format (note that these are not all from the same poll, so methodologically, there is something deeply unsound about this. RCP averages would be great):

  Clinton Obama Edwards Fav – UnFav % unknown
Giuliani +8 +1 +7 +33 3%
McCain +7 0 -9 +17 3%
Thompson +1 -12  -14 +13 41%
Gingrich -7 -10   -5 9%
Romney -9 -15 -26 -5 31%
Brownback -5 -15   -19 43%

Analysis of the digits after the jump.